Huntingdonshire District Council has announced plans to expand its existing loyalty reward schemes for regular market stall holders.
The markets in our towns are hugely important in attracting visitors and shoppers, particularly when alternative ways of shopping such as the internet are impacting our retailers. That's why we promised to support the success of our markets in our 2018 District Council Manifesto, ensuring they remain a valuable part of the retail mix in our market towns.
Conservative-controlled Huntingdonshire District Council, which runs the markets in Huntingdon and St Ives, is therefore keen to attract the best quality stall holders and reward them to encourage their continued participation.
Councillor Marge Beuttell, Executive Councillor for Operations and Regulation, said: “Supporting our retailers is a key part of a vibrant economy and place to live, and I am keen to do all I can to support them. Our High Streets and their markets have a lot to offer and I would encourage all our residents to support them by shopping locally. The re-location of the Huntingdon market along the High Street, to make it the heart of the town on market days, has been very successful.
“I am delighted that we are implementing additional loyalty rewards for our market traders. This, along with the Council’s plans to implement new technology that enables visitors to ‘pay for what you use’ in Council-run car parks, supports my ambition to encourage more people to use our towns and markets to shop. The Council has also worked successfully with the Business Improvement Districts, St Ives Town Centre Initiative and the Town Councils to run events to encourage visitors. Following the success of these in 2018, the Council intends to develop additional activities and events, with partners, to encourage more people to visit our towns and support our local businesses.”
Huntingdon’s regular markets are held on Saturdays and Wednesdays. St Ives markets are held on Mondays and Fridays with additional Bank Holiday Monday markets. All markets are open from 8am to 4pm.
If you are interested in trading at the Huntingdon or St Ives markets on a casual or permanent basis, please visit the HDC Information for Market Traders page.
Details of our quality markets and stall holders are also published on Facebook, @HuntingdonMarkets and @StIvesMarkets.