Councillor Ryan Fuller was elected as the new Executive Leader of Huntingdonshire District Council at the full Council meeting held on Wednesday 4th December.
Councillor Fuller has been an elected member for the ward of St Ives West since May 2012 and moves into the position of Executive Leader from his previous role as Deputy Executive Leader with responsibility for Housing, Planning and Economic Development.
Councillor Fuller said, “I am honoured to have been elected by my fellow District Councillors to take up this role at Huntingdonshire District Council and to lead the Council at this crucial time. This is an exciting and pioneering new period for our District as we seek new and innovative ways to support our residents’ aspirations and tackle the challenges that face our District. Huntingdonshire is a great place to live, work and visit and a lot of hard work goes on across our diverse range of communities to make it that way. Under my leadership Huntingdonshire District Council will continue to strive to deliver first-rate services and to improve the quality of life for all residents.”
Following the official election of the new Executive Leader, Councillor Fuller announced his new Cabinet, including Councillor Jon Neish as his Deputy Executive Leader.