District Council Pledges Support For ‘Time To Change’ Mental Health Campaign 12th September 2019 Huntingdonshire District Council is proud to sign the Time to Change Employer Pledge, a growing social movement run by charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness... Local News
Giving children in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough the best start in life 5th September 2019 A new strategy that aims to ensure that all children in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are healthy, happy, safe from harm and ready for learning –will be... Local News
Waste Service "Good Value for Money" say residents 3rd September 2019 Residents across Huntingdonshire agree that HDC's Waste and Recycling Service provides good value for money, according to results of a newly released survey... Local News
Funding available for local groups ready to leap into action 2nd September 2019 Organisations with great ideas for improving the lives of people in Cambridgeshire can apply for funding from the Innovate & Cultivate Fund before the next... Local News
Care Quality Commission rates Local NHS Trust as Outstanding 30th August 2019 England's Chief Inspector of Hospitals has praised Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust, following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission. CQC... Local News
Conservatives help to secure funding for St Neots High Street 27th August 2019 Yesterday (26 August), the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government announced that St Neots has been selected as one of 50 towns that will benefit... Local News
GCSE results on the up 23rd August 2019 Across Cambridgeshire, more than 5,600 students sat the exams in schools this year. In maths 74.6% of students achieved a grade from 4-9 (at least a standard... Local News
E-permit scheme for vans and trailers set to be introduced at Recycling Centres 21st August 2019 Back in May, County Council Conservatives approved plans to introduce a van and trailer e-permit scheme across Cambridgeshire’s nine household recycling centres... Local News
County Council Conservatives support powering up St Ives Park & Ride 19th August 2019 An energy project is being developed which will transform St Ives Park & Ride into a renewable energy generator. The project, between Cambridgeshire County... Local News